Monday, May 28, 2007


Mondays are my uni days. Today I had a lecture and tutorial for Science Method, and discovered one of the best internet resources for teaching anything related to genetics. Surprisingly enough, it's run by the University of Utah. It not only contains really well thought out interactive flash animations and supporting information, but also complete lesson plans for teachers based on the website. I also found a method for extracting DNA from split peas, and how to build your own DNA gel electrophoresis chamber. I'm very excited. Why can't any of my students study genetics while I'm on prac? It's not fair I tell you!

My other subject today was Literacies for Learning, which I conveniently forgot about. I had too much fun talking to the English method half of Classmates. They're mostly Muslim females, so it was a very interesting conversation. But anyway, Literacies was interesting to begin with, and I considered going to the lecture, but the tutorials are a complete waste of time. I don't learn anything in them, they seem to involve reading our textbook and that's about it. Lesson planning was the better option. I just didn't actually make it home to do that...

So, now I need to write up three lessons for tomorrow (I know, I'm supposed to have my supervising teacher sign them off at least 24 hours in advance, but I don't think that's ever going to happen). And organise Wednesdays double period with Year 11. Should be fun. Hopefully my groceries turn up soon too (I love internet shopping!)


  1. lol - Literacies for Learning - in one of our lectures, a guy fell asleep IN THE FRONT ROW. We were all wondering how long it would take the lecturer to notice and how she would react. She ended up clapping really loudly right in front of him.

    But yeah, that was by far the highlight of the course.

    And don't worry about the signing off thing - I probably got about 4 lesson plans pre-approved in the whole year and I passed both pracs with good reports.
